Author: Gary K

  • Acrobat flaw could spawn Web attacks

    ZDNet is reporting today on an error in Adobe’s Acrobat Reader that could allow cybercrooks to take advantage of websites that link PDF documents. An error in the Web browser plug-in of Adobe Systems’ tool lets cybercrooks co-opt the address of any Web site that hosts an Adobe PDF file for use in attacks, Symantec…

  • The Switchy McLayout Technique

    This is very cool.  A List Apart has an innovative article on a technique that allows one web design to suffice for a number of screen resolutions.  The technique allows for a truly liquid layout.  The page changes on the fly as the resolution of the browser changes. It’s not all CSS.  The Switchy McLayout…

  • 15 Ways to Leave Your Computer

    The horror stories from Microsoft’s new operating system, Vista, just keep coming in. This one is just weird. Microsoft now gives you 15 — count ’em — 15 different ways to leave your computer. For all you Paul Simon fans, there’s got to be a song in there somewhere. From an article by Joel Spolsky:…

  • Google’s PageRank Explained

    Page rank has always perplexed me. I know it’s important, but it is not a terribly easy concept to grasp. Of course, the formula Google uses is clear as day: PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + … + PR(tn)/C(tn)) That’s just clear as a bell. Actually, there is a complete explanation here, at the WebWorkshop.…

  • Stay Away from Vista

    Stay away from Microsoft Vista, the new version of the Windows operating system, for as long as you can. A Russian programmer has already found holes in the system that would allow an unscrupulous programmer access to your machine. From today’s New York Times: SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 24 — Microsoft is facing an early crisis…

  • Total Validator

    I came across a site this week that provides a true service to the web design community. Total Validator was set up by Andy Halford in 2005, and allows the designer to not only make sure his/her pages produce valid code, but also to view a rendering of the page tested in a number of…

  • Working for Free Speech Online in China

    Business Wire reports today: Internet Anti-Jamming Technology Companies Reach Milestone Agreement The story effectively covers a plan on the part of four companies to help residents of China out-fox Chinese government efforts to censor the Internet. From the story: ATLANTA–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Four world-leading companies in Internet anti-jamming technologies reached an agreement today that starts full-scale cooperation…

  • Announces Expression Web Essential Training

    I use Dreamweaver at Shire Enterprises. Some of you, however, may wish to explore Expression Web, Microsoft’s version of web design software. I understand it’s a step or two above Frontpage. I don’t understand the popularity of Frontpage for web design. In my book, it’s just a step or two above publishing pages from Microsoft…

  • W3C Workshop Report: Keeping Privacy Promises

    The following is just in today from BusinessWire: Privacy Experts Suggest Approaches for Managing Personal Information–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Today W3C published a Privacy Workshop Report and minutes that recommend next steps for keeping privacy promises when exchanging sensitive information on the Web. Privacy and access control experts from America, Australia, Asia and Europe met in October…

  • Adobe releases Adobe Reader 8

    And worth the upgrade. The following came yesterday from Business Wire: ADOBE ANNOUNCES AVAILABILITY OF ADOBE READER 8 Free Software Enables Greater Customization, Streamlines Trusted PDF Interactions and Facilitates Online Collaboration Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced that Adobe® Reader® 8 software is available as a free download. Adobe Reader 8 enables trusted information exchange…